Grandmaster Xie Zhongxian

Xie Zhongxian(1852-1930)
Grandmaster Xie Zhongxian (謝宗祥大师) was one of the last great Fujian White Crane (白鶴拳) masters. Master Huang Xiangxian was sent to him at the age of 14.

There he was taught Chinese Medicine, White Crane gongfu, Confucian Classical philosophy and Daoist Energy Cultivation.

His White Crane gongfu was styled Mínghèquán (鳴鶴拳), Whooping Crane Fist.
There is good evidence that Xie Zhongxian was, Ryu Ryu Ko, the teacher of Kanryo Higaonna (1853-1915). Higaonna was the teacher of Chojun Miyagi (1888-1953). Miyagi established the Okinawan and Japanese karate systems. 白鶴拳 baihequan (CN)
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